Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Blog Roll Up!

I am sure it's not complete, as I am finding new blogs nearly every day to follow (and I'm almost never caught up on my reading!) but I have imported the RV/Camping blogs from my google reader so that you can maybe find some blogs that you haven't yet found! That is exactly how I found most of the blogs that I currently enjoy - through the blog rolls of other bloggers - THANK YOU!

I hope that you enjoy what you find, and if you have any favorite blogs that I don't have listed - or you have one - please let me know so I can add it ok?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you sooo much for the bloggy link love! (I'm so sorry for what is probably a very late discovery, but Google does NOTHING to inform me despite all the alerts, and Analytics tools I have in place. *sigh*)

    And yes, anyone can do the full-time RV thing - if they enjoy seeing new places and not having a "permanent" spot. I believe it's less expensive than living in a stick and brick home or apartment. Seriously. Plus, it's so much fun!

    Best of luck to you! I'm looking forward to reading your adventures!
